January 23, 2019
It’s January 23rd and I’m still not done feeling those *New Years Eve reflections* because, as I look back on my 2018 wedding season, my heart ACTUALLY feels warm. (Which is a good thing because the temperature’s been in the teens this week…)
This job has endlessly grown me, blessed me, and pushed me in ways that I never could have expected. It’s crazy how one decision (in my case, saying yes to shooting my piano teacher’s wedding at age fourteen) can change the course of your life. I see God’s hand so clearly in it all!
Writing a behind the scenes blog post has become one of my favorite traditions… I get lost looking back over 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 (take a walk down memory lane if you please) and though these posts are silly and a *little* self-deprecating they’re also so close to my heart.
Gotta say, I have THE BEST couples in the world that trust me completely, go to the greatest lengths for the sake of beautiful portraits, and just have the sunniest attitudes through anything and for that I’ll never be able to express how lucky I feel.
With that being said! I say this every year, but if you’re somehow under the impression a photographer’s life is as *glam* as it may seem from a pretty little IG feed, here’s hoping this BTS post serves as a little myth-buster for your sweet wondering heart…
Forever grateful I get to have my best friend by my side as my full time second shooter/right hand on wedding days (ok let’s be real… right hand *always). She somehow manages to stay three steps ahead of me at all times, reads my mind from across a room, and spoils me by *literally* running ahead of me sometimes to grab my camera bag and carry it before I have a chance to get to it myself (#blessed). EVERYONE LOVES VANESSA and without getting too sappy, having her with me in this is one of my greatest gifts. <3
She somehow manages to capture images that make me jealous *I* didn’t take them myself… and of course captures my best (read: worst) angles and behind the scenes moments, too. But don’t be fooled. We take the many facets of the job description seriously. And since I’m a wedding photographer after all, let’s kick things off with four vows I make to you, on your wedding day…
1. I vow to be in tune with your eating schedule and always serve you gourmet hor d’oeuvres in the times you need it most.2. I vow to be your official secret service escort (with a walkie talkie to prove it).
3. I vow that in booking me, I’ll double as your dance floor mop, dutifully wiping up any drink spills. (My new business slogan?)
4. And finally, I vow to be your bonus bridesmaid. <3
It’s the end of wedding season and I’m still confused why no one stands up to cheer when *I* make my grande reception entrance?
… That’s ok. I get it, wedding guests are a tough crowd. At least THIS first look is going to warrant a good reaction when he turns around to find… me.
“You guys mind if I squeeze under there too?”
“Seriously PLEASE. It’s cold out here.”
See that mischievous face? It’s contemplating eating the macarons before the workshop attendees even arrive…
I love these days where I get to teach everything I know about business/photography (aaand publicly cringe when I share my very first website)…
Seconds after my cousin, Cherish, admitted to eating all my leftover Chipotle catering. Not cool.
At the workshop, we pull off a styled shoot for attendees to have the opportunity to watch me interact with/pose/photograph a couple, practice their skills, and build their portfolio. Basically the best of times.
Really wish I were more expressive while teaching. #2019goals
Did I mention I’m hosting a TWO DAY spring workshop?!?! Email me for more details and exclusive early registration! : caroline@carolineloganphotography.com
Did I carry these bouquets to the reception as instructed or straight to the trunk of my car to go home with me? I’ll never tell.
Me in my natural habitat.
UGH no one gave me the long navy dress memo?!??
While we’re on the topic of fashion, I feel like it’s my civic duty to tell you HOW MUCH I LOVE DR. SCHOLL’S (my summer faves found here & winter faves found here).
Oh and while we’re here… the dress is Lulu Lemon (last season, don’t h8 me) but there’s more of my wedding day essentials waiting for you here in this blog post!
Probably just thinking about dinner rolls.*When people ask what my workout regimen is.*
Time to schedule that chiropractor appointment. Better yet… a massage. Better yet… weekly massages. Does that count as a business write off???
Napping while shooting. It’s the advanced, high-level stuff I teach at The Caroline Logan Workshop.
Who’s the third wheel now, Brendan?
Seeing past brides on wedding days = one of my fave things there is. <3
In this next section, I’m going to walk you through the many faces I make on wedding days…
The Sad Face – reserved for special times like when your bride is braving FREEZING TEMPS for the sake of dreamy portraits. <3The “Give Me A Rock To Hide Under” Face – aka when Sweet Caroline comes on and I wanna run and hide in the bathroom.
The Innocent “I Just Saw A Couple Dirty Dancing” Face
The “It’s 80 Degrees But I Have Ice Cold Water In My Hand” Face
The *VANESSA HURRY UP AND TAKE YOUR TEST SHOT* Face – always concerned guests just think I want a cute new profile pic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Neglected Third Child Face – “HEY GUYS. Up here!!! I’m up here! Don’t forget about me!” The Justin Bieber Is On The Playlist Face
The “You Paged?” Face #walkietalkiejokes
The *Trying Not To Cry* Face – toasts from the father of the bride… they get me every time.
The “This Is The Best Job On Earth” Face – a frequent sighting.… very frequent.
REUNITED at a wedding with a past couple, Cody & Gina (2013!), and their precious baby girl. #futurecarolineloganbride
August 11th, 2018: love at first sight. Ain’t no party like a bridal partyyyy.
Always prowling for cocktail hour scraps before our typical 9pm dinnertime.Did I mention it’s the DREAM JOB?
THANKS to whoever parked their truck right where I needed a little extra height anyway…You can send me a bill.
Adding stilts to my 2019 Christmas wish-list.
On one of the muggiest days of the year, it doesn’t hurt to have a makeup artist on hand for touchups. For THE BRIDE, of course. (Love you, Unfading Beauty by Kristen!!)HOW AM I SO LUCKY to spend wedding days with two of my dearest friends. <3
AND with my angel wedding planner friend, Danielle, who also manages to plan all the insanely beautiful workshop styled shoots like it’s NOTHING (it’s not)!!! My hero.
Aaaand working with my *very own mom* … lucky to have these days with you! Actually, everyone is lucky to have Treasured Events <3
POLL… Who’s laughing at my joke harder: Steve? Or me? … to all the doubters that voted ME, guess again!!
Got to hit the dance floor (!!!) this year because my good friend Hannah got maaarried!!!
And it was the HAPPIEST DAY.
Honorary bridesmaid? Sign me up.
And just when I got sad it was over, I got happy again because CASEY & LYDIA WERE GETTING MARRIED and I just wanna shoot my friend’s weddings every day.
Especially when it means so many of my favorite people are there. <3 (Famously known as the wedding where everyone wore white. A dream.)
Can you just adopt us already, Casey & Lydia???
The secret to getting natural expressions and comfortable subjects…
In 2016, I shot Erica’s wedding… in 2018, I shot her little sister Prentice’s wedding. Walking into their parents’ home to see my work framed above the mantel was THE ULTIMATE HONOR.
And I just loveee this dream team of vendors! (Excelsior + Signature Catering on King + Planned Perfection)
Sometimes I get sick of being the third-wheel and take matters into my own hands…
But I like to make sure no one feels left out…
Did someone say cake cutting?
“Yeah just one slice of that bottom chocolate layer would be perfect, thanks guys.”
“I like BUTTERCREAM icing, Steve. A big slice.”
My siblings say I’m bossy. IDK what they’re talking about.
Grateful doesn’t cover it. What a year!
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