And though it's been over a decade since that day, I still get a little sappy to think I found my calling so young. I can still remember the butterflies of excitement returning home that day knowing in my heart this job was something special.
Somewhere in there, I ditched the braces (thank goodness), got my drivers' license, and have watched as my business has literally grown with me. In the years since, I’ve gotten to travel across the country for weddings and conferences, meeting incredible people along the way. It has truly been the greatest of adventures.
However, for me, it has been the relationships I’ve built with each one of my wonderful clients that has been the biggest reward that has come from my business. I am passionate about serving my clients and providing them with the one-of-a-kind experience they deserve during one of the most joy-filled, exciting seasons of their lives!
I truly feel so grateful to be welcomed into my clients’ lives, to learn their love story, to share in their joy, and to celebrate with them as they make this amazing marriage commitment! I know for a fact I am the luckiest to do what I do.
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While cute shoes and bouquets with the perfect shade of blush are certainly important in their own way, they aren't the parts you'll remember most: being wrapped up in joy-filled faces, loving embraces, and heartfelt toasts to your forever... After all the candles are blown out and the dance floor is swept clean, I believe more than anything, it's the moments you'll hold most dear.