because if a fourteen year old who didn't even have her driver's license can do it... you can too.

In a bedroom painted that infamous teenage girl shade of Pepto Bismol pink, I prepared for a day that would change the course of my life. At fourteen, I photographed my first solo wedding. I can still recall the fear and insecurity hidden behind a 100 watt smile that said otherwise as I went about that day reeling from the rush of nerves, excitement, and pressure. I was a novice posing professional, a beginner thrown into the game, but more than anything... a fourteen year old girl that was given the responsibility of a lifetime. 

I remember every detail of that day as if it were yesterday and yet, the reality is, it’s been nearly seven years since then. And here I am. But you and I both known there’s always more to the story. I’ve spent the last seven years investing in the dreams of that fourteen year old girl who built a business somewhere between algebra tests and homework assignments. In that time, I've built a business I am proud of. A business that I've found more vision, passion, and purpose in beyond simply clicking a shutter. 

IT WAS JULY 31st, 2010...

I really believe there is no such thing as a self made person, and to now have the opportunity to give back and pour into passionate photographers is incredibly rewarding. To share my journey and encourage yours through the educational opportunities available below is an honor I don't take lightly.

The gentleman on his favorite bourbon, pocket squares, and why he never leaves home without an umbrella.

Sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur nisi ut alia?

Known for: leather boots, a glass of wine every night, and  endless, organized checklists.


hello there

Featured in People Magazine, E! NEWS, BUZZFEED, AND MORE, CAROLINE LOGAN built A SIX FIGURE BUSINESS BY THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN. From years of late nights as a nocturnal entrepreneur to bleary-eyed mornings in high school Chemistry class, Caroline had established a brand that made forgoing college to continue building her career seem like the obvious choice upon high school graduation.

BASED IN LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA, CAROLINE is known as an industry educator, believer, and Chipotle addict. She is also a Lover of sunshine, J.Crew, home design, neutrals, the south, any excuse to celebrate, & other happy things.

Caroline has a heart for helping photographers jumpstart their creative entrepreneurship journeys & see brands flourish. She offers workshops and mentoring for photographers and business owners alike. Caroline is passionate about teaching because she wants to see other photographers succeed and find life and deep purpose in the work they’re doing.


I’ve loved having the opportunity to sit down with other photographers to chat about where they are in their business and set goals to get them closer to where they dream of being.

Mentoring sessions are custom tailored to what areas each individual photographer's specific business needs are. Most of all, I want this to be a time of growth and learning. I want you to leave feeling empowered, capable, and confident… because I believe there's no reason to wait to pursue your passion.

No. 2 :


A transformative, one day experience of open book, behind the scenes education with Caroline Logan. And Chipotle. Come find community and inspiration in a room filled with likeminded dreamers and entrepreneurs walking the same journey you are. This is your time.


No. 1 :



After YEARS in Lightroom: struggling, second guessing, and continually tweaking… I’ve finally got the magic recipe. And it’s seriously LIFE CHANGING to be able to edit quickly and efficiently!

MORE THAN just another preset suite, it's a step by step video editing roadmap to make them work for you... define your style & GET DREAMY IMAGES every time. You literally get to watch, listen, and learn how I edit with my preset as I teach you on dozens of photo examples... holding nothing back.

No. 3 :


behind the scenes, run-on sentence rambles from the heart, & a peek into my life and home... let's be friends.

follow along on the daily.