In a bedroom painted that infamous teenage girl shade of Pepto Bismol pink, I prepared for a day that would change the course of my life. At fourteen, I photographed my first solo wedding. I can still recall the fear and insecurity hidden behind a 100 watt smile that said otherwise as I went about that day reeling from the rush of nerves, excitement, and pressure. I was a novice posing professional, a beginner thrown into the game, but more than anything... a fourteen year old girl that was given the responsibility of a lifetime.
I remember every detail of that day as if it were yesterday and yet, the reality is, it’s been nearly seven years since then. And here I am. But you and I both known there’s always more to the story. I’ve spent the last seven years investing in the dreams of that fourteen year old girl who built a business somewhere between algebra tests and homework assignments. In that time, I've built a business I am proud of. A business that I've found more vision, passion, and purpose in beyond simply clicking a shutter.
I really believe there is no such thing as a self made person, and to now have the opportunity to give back and pour into passionate photographers is incredibly rewarding. To share my journey and encourage yours through the educational opportunities available below is an honor I don't take lightly.
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