February 13, 2012
Let me guess, you’re dying to know what books have tickled my fancy in these past few weeks, right? Right. Before I share, allow me to preface:
1. I’m not a book reader. I enjoy reading, but given the option between a movie or a book, I’d probably opt for the movie. PLEASE DON’T HATE ME.
2. I’m not a “speed-reader.” I. take. my. time. And I’m ok with that. However, I’m a self diagnosed “good-reader.” One who’s not a “slow-reader,” or a “skim-reader,” but one who takes an ample amount of time to think and digest words, sentences, thoughts, and feelings.
3. I’ve learned something about myself. Fiction = fake, and I don’t like fake. I like real things, real stories, real problems, real solutions, and real people. With this realization, I’ve turned over a new leaf when it comes to my literature selection. Non-fiction inspires me… and I love to be inspired, you know. ;)

With THAT (Yes, I’m aware my keyboard must be stuck on CAPS LOCK, OR SOMETHING) being said, here are the books that I’ve read in the past few weeks that made me feel something…
EXPOSED: The Magazine by Jasmine Star. Wow. This book, in magazine format, left me speechless the first time I read it. After the second go-around (Yes, it was THAT good) I’ve picked my jaw up off the floor and have gathered my thoughts enough to share it with you. Jasmine is an international wedding photographer who has been in this business for about six years now. In that time she has become incredibly successful, prolific in her work, and a leader in the industry. To top all that off, she’s ridiculously nice. In EXPOSED, she documents the story of the first two years of her photography business, relating the ways she messed up, telling how little she knew right at the beginning, and explaining how tirelessly she worked to achieve her success. Then she looks you right in the eye and says, “It’s possible. Go for it.”
The Encore Effect by Mark Sanborn. Umm, Wow. Again. I grabbed this book off of my family’s bookshelf on a rainy Saturday afternoon in an effort to avoid complete boredom. I made a cup of hot chocolate, found the warmest blanket, and the fuzziest socks, then retreated to the comfiest couch in our house. And then, the unthinkable happened, I read the ENTIRE book in ONE SITTING. And furthermore, I took notes. I really did. This book makes you think of every moment in your life, your work, or your art, as a performance. It pushes you to construct encore-worthy performances in everything you do. To live a life where people not only say “Thanks for coming,” but say “When can you come back?” One of my favorite quotes from it is: “I believe that a worthy goal in life is to have people shouting for more of whatever it is we do that is really important and matters to us. The world is desperately looking for people who make such a difference, who produce memorable results, who have a positive impact on others. The best “performers” make themselves indispensable. Whatever their stage, they shine. That is the power, and the promise, of the encore effect.”
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. After personally experiencing the wonder that is Apple Products, I simply knew I had to read this thoughtful and intelligent biography of Steve Jobs, the man behind it all. Major kudos go to Walter Isaacson, who captured the essence of Steve Jobs perfectly, which was without a doubt a daunting task. I left Steve Job’s story with an appreciation for who he truly was, much more than the man responsible for delivering such a dazzling array of products we all love. He truly was a genius, in every sense of the word. This book left me wanting to do, be and love more. To live an astonishing life, to create unique art, to dream significantly large dreams, and most of all, to live passionately — fully embracing the days that I’m given.
Happy Monday!
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