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Caroline LOgan

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Engaged: Rob + Amanda


January 16, 2012

Rob and Amanda… it’s pretty much impossible not to love them. They are beautiful people with EVEN MORE beautiful hearts. I’m so very thankful for clients like this who trust me to document this special season of their lives. Rob and Amanda, thanks for being so adorable and cuddly for the camera. And thanks for braving 26 degree weather in the name of fabulous images. You guys are THE BEST. 

Despite the sub-freezing temperature, we had a wonderful time walking around Amanda’s grandparents’ farm talking about their plans for their upcoming wedding this summer. Their wedding and reception will be held on this property which is sure to be beyond gorgeous! Amanda is a photographer so she “gets it” when it comes to decor and EYE CANDY. A beautiful vintage wedding? Yes please! So excited for you guys!

Let’s get real… how cool is this barn?!

Although, the better question may be, how sweet is this couple?!

Come early July, Rob and Amanda will be pledging their lives to each other under this breathtaking tree…

You two are PRECIOUS.

A definite favorite!

Oh you guys! You sure do know how to work it…

Please blow this one up BIG and frame it in your future house…

Amanda, just look at yourself… STUNNING.

These two make me happy just by seeing them so happy…

Did I mention that they have the best smiles? …Ever?!

The sky was amazing that day…

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