August 29, 2012
I took sixteen and kissed it good-bye last night… tucked it away with all it’s sweet memories. It’s bittersweet to think that an entire year has passed. A year that has been one of the most amazing, fulfilling, stretching, growing, impacting, special years of my life.
It’s exciting to think of the coming year. To dream of it’s promises and possibilities. And yet, I’m also learning that I don’t need to always know what’s ahead and what’s to come. I’ve settled into this place where I’m learning that all I need to do is to trust. Because Someone knows a lot better than I do what’s in store for this little life of mine. And He’ll be sure to guide my path and lead me in ways I could never ask or imagine because they’re just that amazing.
And as I grow and go through things, trials and triumphs, sorrows and joys, I hope I can look back on this time in my life and remember. Maybe when I’m old and gray, and my face has hopefully earned some well-deserved smile lines, I hope I can remember what it feels like to be surrounded by people that blow you away with their love and support. To feel lavished in grace and blessings beyond deserving. To be passionate about your work. To enjoy the small things. To see beauty in the unseen. To be so anticipant of what’s ahead. To live. And above all, to know that life, this life, is a gift.
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